Some Tips for Parents from Our Brampton Winter Grounds Maintenance Team

We are always here to stay on top of your requirements as far as Brampton Winter Grounds Maintenance goes. Our team is well trained in all the aspects of Brampton snow relocation.

We like to make sure you get all the information you need to enjoy winter activities safely. What’s more, we have many Brampton snow ploughing clients that have children.

That’s why we’ve put together some tips for the kids so they can be safe in the snow, ice and cold. It’s important for parents to make sure their family stays comfortable and healthy in the winter.

The Hazards

There are some injuries that are more commonplace in the winter season. Snowboarding and sledding as well as ice-skating can be dangerous. Many of the accidents where children get sent to emergency rooms involve snowboarding.

However, not all of the things you need to watch out for happen outside. Our Brampton Winter grounds maintenance team sees illnesses that happen quite often when the weather gets cold. We even see respiratory bugs like the flu during winter. The reason is quite simple. Colds and other viruses like the flu are more prevalent when folks are cooped up indoors.

That means they are quite often exposed to certain kinds of airborne germs that cause problems.

The Solutions

Keep in mind that our Brampton commercial snow removal services are there when you need them in the cold weather too. We have a lot of experience in ice and snow removal for class A properties like shopping centres and even retirement communities.

A lot of our staff have children of their own. They take their expertise in dealing with the cold weather home with them. They’ve also agreed to share some of the tips they use to keep everyone healthy , safe and warm.

At Home:

One of the best ways to make sure that you can stay healthy when everyone is under the same roof is easy. Parents should always tell their children how important it is to wash their hands. It’s especially critical after they blow their nose or cough. However, it’s also a good idea to wash up after they share toys.

Here’s another tip our Brampton snow relocation team shared. The family quite often can’t wait to get outside and enjoy some winter activities. Even shoveling snow gets everyone a little exercise. Besides it’s something everyone can do together.

Still, it’s a good idea to exercise a little caution. Because it’s strenuous, we always suggest that it’s a good idea for school-age kids to help. However, it’s usually best to make sure younger ones don’t join in because they can strain themselves easily.

Here’s another helpful tip from our Brampton snow plowing professionals. We all know that it doesn’t matter whether they are young or old, kids love to stay outside in the cold. Here’s a great way to make sure that you can head off frostbite.

Checking on your children can help to prevent this painful temporary problem. Make sure their mittens are dry. Check the little noses as well to make sure they aren’t too chaffed or red.

How Our Brampton Winter Grounds Maintenance Team Dresses for The Cold

When we sat down and talked to our Brampton snow plowing teams about the advice they’d give parents, they were happy to share. They stressed how important it was to make sure that your children have a little snack before going outside.

The reason is simple. Their little bodies will need to use the extra calories. This is true any time of the year but especially in the winter.

Here’s another tip that you might not have known about. It’s a good idea to make sure that your children use sunscreen in the colder weather. The January sun can actually reflect almost 90% of its ultraviolet rays back.

Layer Up

One of the other pieces of advice that we were able to put together is about layering up. Our employees tell us there are several advantages. For example, the top layer might get soaked in the freezing rain and snow. The next layer will stay warm and dry.

It’s not just about layering up either. Parents should also avoid cotton because it doesn’t really keep children warm at all. We like to suggest you use other fabrics like wool. Long underwear is one of the standards. Of course, mom and dad should take a little time to pick out good boots and socks that will keep little feet dry.

Don’t forget a nice warm hat!

Despite all of your best efforts, your children might get frostbite during the winter. Frostnip is one of the first signs that you should be looking for. Your child’s skin might appear tingly and red.

We hope that these tips from the people who work outside in extreme weather are helpful.  Our Brampton Winter Grounds Maintenance team is ready to look after your needs.

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